Book Value Appraisals is a trusted partner when it comes to real estate appraisals, offering comprehensive services to assist in various situations. Whether you’re determining the value of your home, navigating divorce proceedings, planning your estate, or appealing taxes, our expert appraisers provide accurate and reliable assessments. We understand the unique needs of each client and employ a thorough and transparent approach to deliver precise property valuations. With a commitment to professionalism and attention to detail, Book Value Appraisals ensures that you have the necessary information to make informed decisions in matters related to your home, legal proceedings, or financial planning.



document on a table with a note and calculator peoria il

Property Tax Appeal

We can help you avoid surprises when it’s time to pay your property taxes ...
two people talking under a lamp on a table peoria il

Estate Appraisals

We will work with you to make sure we’re getting the details right so that your family can move forward with no concerns about what happens next ...
image of a person handing a pen to client with judge tools peoria il

Divorce Appraisals

We can provide an accurate market value opinion to help both sides come to an agreement on shared real estate property ...
two people talking with small house on table peoria il

Residential Appraisals

Let us assist you in obtaining an accurate report of the fair market value of your residential real estate property ...